If you are looking for work in a state other than Pennsylvania, you will need to register with that state’s employment service.
If you are looking for work in Pennsylvania, you will need to register with PA CareerLink®️ within 30 days of filing your initial application.
If you do not live in Pennsylvania and are not searching for jobs in Pennsylvania, you will need to register with the state employment-search service for the state you live in.
If you don’t live in Pennsylvania, but you plan to commute to Pennsylvania for work from another state, you should still register with PA CareerLink ®️ .
To register, go to the PA CareerLink®️ website and click on “Register as a New User.” Then, on the next page click, “Unemployment Compensation Claimant.”
For more information about registering with PA CareerLink®️, read this FAQ on the Department of Labor and Industry’s website.
If you already registered with PA CareerLink®️ previously to qualify for unemployment compensation, you will need to login to your account and review your profile.
There will be a pop up message when you login asking you to update any old information and a pop up message asking you to update your resume if you have not updated it within the last 90 days (see below). You should do this as soon as possible.
A pop up message about updating profile information on the CareerLink work registration portal.
Pop up message about updating resume on the CareerLink work registration portal.
You must complete your work registration within 30 days of filing for unemployment benefits. If you do not, you will be disqualified from benefits until you complete your work registration.
If you get a letter that says you were disqualified from benefits because you did not complete your work registration, register for work ASAP.
Once you complete your work registration, your benefits should start up again.
See below for instructions on how to confirm you completed your work registration.
Make sure you confirm that you have completed your registration.
On the right hand side of your CareerLink work registration portal, there is a section titled “UC Registration Compliance.” If you completed your work registration, it will say “Status: Completed on [the date you completed it].” This is what it will look like:
You can print out a copy of this confirmation by clicking on “View a copy of your confirmation.” It will look like this: