Independent Clause

independent clause

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Some Real-Life Examples of Dependent and Independent Clauses

The Link between an Independent Clause and a Dependent Clauses

Adjective Clause I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. (Groucho Marx)
(The dependent clause "that would have me as a member" describes the club. It's an adjective clause.)
Adverbial Clause I find television very educating . When it's on, I go into the other room and read a book. (Groucho Marx)
(The dependent clause "When it's on" modifies the verb "go." It is an adverbial clause.)
Noun Clause A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere . (Groucho Marx)
(According to the yes-camp, "that the animal is going somewhere" is a dependent clause despite being part of the independent clause.)

The Types of Sentence Structure. The number of independent clauses and dependent clauses in a sentence determines the sentence-structure type. There are four.

Simple SentenceOne independent only Humour is reason gone mad . (Groucho Marx)
Complex SentenceOne independent and at least dependent No man goes before his time , unless the boss leaves early. (Groucho Marx)
Compound Sentencetwo independents I have had a perfectly wonderful evening , but this wasn't it . (Groucho Marx)
Compound-Complex SentenceAt least two independents and at least one dependent Those are my principles , and if you don't like them, I have others . (Groucho Marx)

Why Independent Clauses Are Important

There's only one reason to care about independent and dependent clauses: comma placement.

There are three, well, four at a push, noteworthy points linked to comma placement.

(Point 1) Use a comma before an "and" that links two independent clauses.

If your "and" links two independent clauses, precede it with a comma. This rule does not apply only to "and." It applies to any coordinating conjunction (e.g., "but," "or"). Put another way, the rule is "use a comma before a conjunction that joins the independent clauses in a compound sentence."

(Point 2) Use commas with nonessential dependent clauses that start with "who" or "which" (or any relative pronoun for that matter).

If a dependent clause functioning as an adjective is essential to specify its noun, it's not offset with commas. (NB: In these examples, the dependent clauses are shaded.)

When used to head an adjective dependent clause, "which" and "who" are relative pronouns. Such clauses are often called "relative clauses."

Remember that this rule does not apply only to "who" and "which." It applies to any relative pronoun (e.g., "whose," "why"). Read more about relative pronouns.

(Point 3) Use a comma after an adverbial dependent clause that sits before the independent clause. Don't use a comma before the clause if it follows the independent clause.

Using a comma after a fronted adverbial dependent clause is such a common style, it's becoming increasingly safe to call it a rule. The purpose of the comma is to aid reading. It shows your readers where the clause ends. Omitting a comma isn't a hideous crime (and lots of writers do it, even prefer it), but omitting the comma can cause your readers to stumble as they try to find the end of the dependent clause.

Can you read these without stumbling?

Here are some examples with commas. (NB: In these examples, the independent clauses are shaded.) With the clause at the back, there's no comma.

(Point 4) There's more to Point 3.

Let's complicate the issue a bit. The rule that states "do not use a comma when the adverbial clause follows the independent clause" is not really the rule. In fact, the rule for post-positioned adverbial clauses is the same as for post-positioned adjective clauses (see Point 2). In other words, use a comma if the adverbial clause is nonessential. The problem is that it's way more difficult to decide whether an adverbial clause is essential or nonessential than it is with an adjective clause. As the vast majority of adverbial clauses are essential, it's pretty safe, but not entirely safe, to declare that a post-positioned adverbial clause isn't preceded by a comma.

Key Points

This page was written by Craig Shrives.