Established in 1920, Lesmurdie Primary School is an Independent Public School, catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school enjoys a strong tradition of an engaged, connected school community and positive partnerships with parents and carers. The school values these relationships and actively seeks to strengthen and expand these connections and engage with families and the broader community to support student learning.
Our School Board plays a key role in supporting effective school decision-making with student success as its focus and our P&C works actively to strengthen our school community through its community engagement and fundraising initiatives. The partnerships we have fostered with the Bibbulmun Network of schools, Cambodian Sister School, Curtin University and Mindful Meditation Australia further support and sustain our capacity.
Lesmurdie PS is prioritising the development of a culture of wellbeing, one in which staff, students and families flourish. We promote a safe, inclusive and supportive environment in which staff and students are willing to be curious and creative, to try new things and view errors as opportunities to learn. Our staff place students firmly at the centre of quality teaching and learning. Our teachers know their students, know the curriculum and know what works best. Through our collective efforts we establish the conditions for students to learn, grow and thrive.
Our whole school strategies to enhance and sustain student wellbeing include child centred play-based learning in the early years; opportunities for nature play; the promotion of resilience through our Bounce Back Bear program; and a Mindful Education curriculum across all years, K-6.
We are committed to ensuring both excellence in curriculum delivery and rich and engaging curriculum content. Improved student outcomes in literacy and numeracy are supported through evidence-based programs such as Letters & Sounds and Talk4Writing, the Minilit/Macqlit intervention programs and cross-setting in maths. Our well-rounded curriculum also includes, Music, Drama, Health and Phys ed, Italian and both Design and Digital Technologies. These subject areas inspire creativity, encourage critical thinking and nurture benefits across all learning areas. Additionally, gifted and talented students are offered enrichment activities through participation in PEAC (Primary Extension and Academic Challenge) and the Instrumental Music program, offering guitar, clarinet and brass.
Our redevelopment has delivered new, high quality facilities presenting us with a unique opportunity to match the improvements in our physical environment to improvements in our operations. We are embracing this opportunity to leverage the existing strengths of our school culture and harness the support of our school community to make a great school even better.